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Men's Basketball in Europe: Part 2

Sites in both England and France, plus a big win, highlighted the men's basketball team's European tour.

The Muhlenberg men's basketball team spent the end of May touring England and France.Nate Hoffman, Liam Gorman and Peter Stanton-Shepherd wrote about the last part of the trip.

May 25
We started with team breakfast, as we've done the whole trip. We then traveled about two hours to Blenheim Palace. We roamed the grounds and toured the palace. Additionally there was an interesting Winston Churchill exhibit. Blenheim Palace also hosted a food festival with many different stands ... great food and great vibes. Luckily we had beautiful weather.

After this, we traveled to Oxford and toured Oxford University. My group toured Jesus College and the surrounding area. We were able to see many historical points not only in Oxford University but also in the town itself. We were all amazed at how old the area was, even being older than the whole United States.

May 26
The team took a trip in the morning to the British Museum, where we had time to explore the pieces within the museum. Following the museum the team traveled to Paris on the Eurostar, then concluded the day by checking into the hotel that we would stay at for the rest of the trip. 

May 27
The day started with a guided tour of famous spots in Paris, including the Champs-Elysees, Concorde Square, The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc. After that the team was given leisure time to explore the beautiful city that was preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games. 

May 28
We spent the morning resting to prepare for our last game in Europe. After that, we got lunch at a nearby café and then walked around to find some stores in the area. Later that night, we faced off against the U21 Metropolitan 92 team, which is famously the former team of NBA Rookie of the Year Victor Wembenyama. The Mules had a dominant performance, with multiple players contributing to a convincing win to close out the trip.

May 29
The following day, we went to the Eiffel Tower, and then saw the Square Louise Michel and explored its surrounding area. Later on in the day we enjoyed a beautiful boat tour that went through central Paris, and then had one final team dinner before returning to our hotel to pack up and head home the next day.

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