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Postcards from Abroad: Devon Eastlack

Junior Devon Eastlack writes about her study abroad experience in Florence.

Junior Devon Eastlack, a double major in finance and business administration and member of the Muhlenberg field hockey team, is currently studying in Florence. Here is what she had to say about her experience so far. 

What has been your favorite part about studying abroad?

My favorite part about studying abroad is being able to easily travel to many different places while constantly learning from the diverse environments around me. 

What made you decide to study abroad?

I decided to study abroad to not only take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but also to challenge myself and push myself out of my comfort zone. I've always been someone who finds comfort in familiarity so studying abroad would only allow me to grow and immerse myself in new cultures. When making the decision to study abroad, I knew the experiences and lessons I would gain from being abroad would outweigh any original doubts I might've had! 

What is something you have learned about yourself while studying abroad?

Studying abroad has taught me the power of adaptability. Being in a new environment where the language and many customs are different forces you to adapt quickly. Whether it's navigating public transportation in different cities or overcoming language barriers to communicate with locals, I've learned to embrace challenges and quickly adapt to new situations. 

What classes are you taking?

While in Florence, I am taking Italian language, Florentine Art Walks, Tuscany and Its Wines and Chemistry and the Visual Arts. 

How have you kept up with your sport while abroad?

To keep up with field hockey while abroad I have been going to the school gym with my roommates whenever possible as well as going on runs along the beautiful Arno River! 

What has been the favorite place you have visited?

Although I love having Florence as my home base, my favorite place I have visited so far would have to be Amsterdam. I loved the canals, unique architecture and of course the food!

What is one thing you miss most about Muhlenberg?

The things I miss most about Muhlenberg are my friends and teammates.

previous "Postcards"
Jason Edelstein, men's soccer, London
Grace Hoffman, women's soccer, Dublin

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